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Local government workers, operating alone to uphold community services, navigate a spectrum of risks. From inspecting public spaces to responding to emergencies, their solitary roles expose them to diverse hazards, including accidents, confrontations, and environmental challenges. In addition, they may encounter the potential lack of cellular networks in remote areas, hindering communication and response efforts. The absence of immediate peer support amplifies these challenges, emphasizing the need for robust safety measures and alternative communication strategies to ensure the safety and effectiveness of lone workers in the intricate and often unpredictable environments within local government settings.


Utilities and Infrastructure Services workers, operating alone, confront substantial risks, particularly in remote or isolated areas. Managing and maintaining local utilities, such as water supply, sewage, and waste management, exposes them to hazards like equipment malfunctions, exposure to harmful substances, and adverse environmental conditions. The isolation amplifies the challenges of accessing immediate support during emergencies, escalating the consequences of potential accidents. Robust safety protocols and advanced communication tools are imperative to mitigate these multifaceted risks, ensuring the safety of lone workers in the intricate and often hazardous environments they navigate.


Infrastructure and Asset Management workers, operating alone, contend with notable risks, particularly in remote areas. Managing local infrastructure projects, road maintenance, and community facilities exposes them to hazards such as equipment malfunctions, accidents, and unpredictable environmental conditions. The potential for confrontation, whether from unexpected encounters or security concerns, adds an additional layer of risk. Remote settings heighten vulnerability. Robust safety protocols and advanced communication tools are indispensable to mitigate these risks, ensuring the safety of lone workers in their multifaceted responsibilities.


Conservation and animal control workers operating alone face distinct risks, often in remote areas. Managing wildlife and preserving natural habitats exposes them to hazards like encounters with unpredictable animals, adverse weather conditions, and potential injuries. The isolation in remote settings amplifies these challenges. Additionally, navigating unfamiliar terrains poses physical risks. Robust safety protocols and reliable communication tools become crucial to mitigate these multifaceted risks, ensuring the safety and well-being of lone workers dedicated to the preservation of ecosystems.


We supply location-enabled equipment connected to a cloud platform that allows you to stay informed about on-site activities

Our seamlessly integrated cellular or optional satellite connectivity ensures reliable communication, even in the most isolated areas

With our industry-leading precision in monitoring Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL), we offer a diverse range of over 20 sensors

We enable you to maintain connectivity and the safety of every worker using manual, automatic, and time-based alert systems

Our robust reporting and analytics allow you to recognise actionable opportunities

Our technology is flexible enough to meet your current requirements and scale for future needs


At Direct Safety we match our proven, global solutions to each isolated, remote, lone worker or vulnerable individual. A trusted name with an unrivalled monitoring and response capability, we have saved lives across many industries.


Blackline G7c
The wearable, rugged and intrinsically safe G7c delivers peace of mind that your workers are protected and can get home safe.
iHelp XS Pendant
Direct Safety’s iHelp Pendant is a ground-breaking wearable enhancement that addresses this safety monitoring app shortfall.
iHelp Micro
Our iHelp Micro is an emergency pendant/wrist transmitter enhanced by NFC technology. With the iHelp Micro, vulnerable lone workers are able to summon help with one simple press.
Twig One
The Twig One 4G wearable device is engineered for use in challenging industrial environments, even those prone to noise and hazards.
Twig One Ex
The wearable Twig One Ex 4G, Wi-Fi compatible device, is intrinsically safe and designed for use in explosive hazardous areas.
Twig Neo
The multi-wearable Twig Neo 4G, Wi-Fi compatible device, while compact, offers capabilities far exceeding its size.
Safety Watch
You can now use your Apple Watch or Android Wear to perform key actions of the Loner Mobile app.
Garmin InReach Messenger
Ideal for the weekend adventurer, the Garmin InReach Messenger, compact and lightweight, offers reliable communication even in areas without mobile phone coverage.
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